This article describes how to manage your credit card information using the Customer Portal.
To add a credit card to your Customer Portal account, or to change the existing credit card information, follow these steps:
- Log in to the Customer Portal.
- On the menu bar, click Billing and then click MANAGE CREDIT CARD:
- Under Enter New Card Information Below, in the Card Type list box, select the credit card company.
- In the Card Number text box, type the credit card number (without spaces).
- In the Expiry Date list boxes, select the month and year that the card expires.
- In the CVV/CVC2 Number text box, type the three-digit card verification number on the back of the credit card.
- Click Save Changes.
You can only maintain information in the Customer Portal for one credit card at a time. If you already have a credit card on file and then enter a new credit card, it replaces the old card information.