How to manage credit card details in the Customer Portal Print

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This article describes how to manage your credit card information using the Customer Portal.


To add a credit card to your Customer Portal account, or to change the existing credit card information, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Customer Portal.
  2. On the menu bar, click Billing and then click MANAGE CREDIT CARD:
  3. Under Enter New Card Information Below, in the Card Type list box, select the credit card company.
  4. In the Card Number text box, type the credit card number (without spaces).
  5. In the Expiry Date list boxes, select the month and year that the card expires.
  6. In the CVV/CVC2 Number text box, type the three-digit card verification number on the back of the credit card.
  7. Click Save Changes.


You can only maintain information in the Customer Portal for one credit card at a time. If you already have a credit card on file and then enter a new credit card, it replaces the old card information.

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